
Quality Control

Nothing Left To Chance

 Stringent quality control is implied to make sure that only the premium quality product reaches your outlets. Intensive concentration on quality from soil when it is tested as pre-qualification for selection of final harvest.

Then we make certain that the golden paddy acquired by us is grown from the most potent seeds developed by the coordinated efforts of research scientists in state and private sectors.

Products are harvested at optimum moisture level. We owns our own well equipped laboratory where every possible test regarding product quality is carried out by highly qualified and experienced technologists.

Processes of paddy drying, cleaning, de-husking, de-stoning, polishing, re-polishing, final grading and sorting are carried out under the supervision of experienced qualified technologists. At every step, the samples are drawn and tested in The Alaboratories to strictly maintain specific international standards of every product variety we export and distribute.

The rice is stored for aging for calculated period which is essential to increase its nutritional and other values.

The results of this sophistication is consistently long grain Basmati rice having perfectly tapered ends, alluring aroma and unique taste.